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Written By Isebel on Kamis, Juli 15, 2010 | 09.51

=== Papers KNOW ABOUT PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHY Pancasila Pancasila and execution SEEN FROM HISTORY

A. Background Problem
In studying the Pancasila philosophy there are two things we learned earlier that memeplajari Philosophy Pancasila Pancasila and historical approach in order to be able to know the events that happen from time to time in our homeland Indonesia events - events that I mean is that there is nothing to do with Pancasila. Through our approach, hoping to obtain objective data can produce an objective conclusion also because humans can not eliminate the objective attitude as one of the innate nature, we are grateful when you get an objective conclusion may be inter objectively
Pancasila history is inseparable with the history of the Indonesian nation itself because it was in this paper we tried to start from the heyday that Indonesia suffered kemidian independent effect of act of colonialism that leads into Indonesian struggle against colonialism was then the Indonesian people for independence and successfully managed meproklamasikan also answered tanatangan it and fill it with pembangunnan independence. In all of these events have an important role Pancasila

Given that first put forward first in series kai peristwa penyususnan and formulation of Pancasila in order to know how to sit so that their real problem - each gets a fair amount and I did not forget. Besides, the second thing that we consider important is the practice of Pancasila. We mengkonstatir that pengmalan Pancasila has been done on time - the period before independence on August 17, 1945 even before this period

B. Problem Formulation
In making this paper can be formulated as a writer erkut: understanding philosophy, for philosophy, functions, philosophy, understanding of Pancasila, confortable and functional elements of Pancasila element element - the element of Pancasila. And the problems discussed in this paper for more focused and not too far away, so the writer to limit the problem only on the meaning and function to philosophy of Pancasila

C. Research Methods
The method used in research in the study are:
1. Interviews and interview methods
Interviewing is a technique of data collection by way of opening up communication with the source data, the communication is done using ialog (FAQ) orally either directly or indirectly, interviews can be both direct way that is sovereign, when the data will be collected directly on the data obtained from the relevant ndvidu . Interviews that are not angsg yatu interviews conducted by a person to obtain keterangandari others or from the source book
2. Observation
Observation is a technique to observe directly or indirectly over activities - ongoing activities
3. Questionnaires or checklists
Questionnaire is a technique of data collecting is done by opening up communication with data sources through writing
This method can be either direct or indirect saama case with the interview method

D. Mindset
Viewed from the history that the Pancasila as the basis for a republic of Indonesia on August 18, 1945, penuis TODD erangka think elau pendekatanflsafat Pancasila and its history
In the form of Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence appointed chairman Bung Karno and Bung Hatta PPKI become vice chairman. Quick emerdekaan Indonesia and its actions depend on the Indonesian people themselves after working hard and tirelessly support of all the Indonesian people especially the youth - our youth, on August 17, 1945 at 10:00 hours in meeting building tebuka pegangsaaan 56 Jakarta, proclaimed independence in indnesia by Bung Karno and Bung Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian nation


The term philosophy has been no stranger to he heard this term used in various contexts but we must know first what it was philosophy and philosophy of the function and usefulness of philosophy with a brief description of this I hope that the impression on us that philosophy is one that is not difficult and can be in learned by everyone besides me that we do not assume menghrapkan philosophy as a result of sheer potential and reality are not grounded in this way I hoped to use as capital for memepelajari from the viewpoint of philosophy of Pancasila
Agara everyone who did not know about in terms of ideology Pancasila
a. In his book elements of Philiosofi Kattsott 1963 about philosophical reflection
b. In his book philosophy
c. Further quoting Van Melsen that the gist of which is described as a reflection flsafat in science
d. In his book Social Philosophy Perpectivies Back In 1967
Knowing about the Pancasila philosophy and our practice of history among the nations - the peoples west of the Dutch nation that finally can play as the invaders are true - true that destroys p \ people of Indonesia Indonesian struggle to remember things we should know the struggle before the year 1900
Actually, since that time also maintaining independence with a variety of ways - kind of Indonesian people's resistance to colonialism menemtang, The Netherlands has been running great. But still walk alone - alone and there has been no cooperation organizations that regularly melelui
And we must know the elements - elements of Pancasila which animates the struggle of resistance against colonialism, if the Indonesian people to know it thoroughly and carefully with the elements - elements of Pancasila is the spirit and soul of the struggle we have to analyze in a discussion such as:
1. What element - the element of divinity in the Dutch colonial
2. Humanitarian element in dutch colonial Indonesia is destroying people with no humanity, a people derota siksaaan in Indonesia
3. The element of unity against a divisive dutch colonial unity
4. Populist elements of the Dutch colonization of the freedom to get an education and it was as though the small people has no meaning
5. The last element of fairness about the Dutch colonization there was no justice for the rights of freedom needs


A. Pengetian Philosophy
This paper, I use the term understanding and not a definition. In this case there are some opinions that, among others, said that the essence is very difficult to give a definition of philosophy, because there is no definitive definition. Actually, such an opinion is not just about philosophy but also menganai other definitions. Against these various words such as economics, law, political culture, the state of human society, there are also various definitions rose as well.
Therefore in this paper, I want to bring an understanding of the philosophy and characteristics berfilsfat, this way I hoped to use it as capital to study the Five Precepts from the perspective of philosophy.
1. The definition according to the meaning he said, said in Bahasa Indonesian filsfat comes from the Greek meaning of the word Philein Love and Sophia means Wisdom. Philosophy means the love of Wisdom, love means a great passion or burning or genuine.
Wisdom means the real truth or the truth. Philosophy means the desire or the desire to truly be the real truth.
2. General understanding of the meaning in his words above the general philosophy can be given a sense as the science which investigates the nature of all things to obtain the essence of truth Attai essence or core or essence of all things in this way the answer will be given in the form of essential information. Where things according to the meaning of philosophy in his words
3. Khsusu understanding, because philosophy has developed quite a long time mengelami certainly influenced by various factors, mislanya space, time, circumstances and people involved. That's why so appear different opinions about the philosophical notion that has significance respectively.
There are different schools of philosophy in there is a proof that bemacam khsusu kinds of opinions that differ from one another. For example.
- Rationalisme reasonable mengagunggkan
- Materialism mengagunggkan material
- Idealism mengagunggkan idea
- Hedonism mengagunggkan pleasure
- Nature of Stoicism mengagunggkan
Flow - the flow has a specificity of each with emphasis on something that is considered the core and should be given a high place, such as pleasure, kesolehan, materialism, reason and ideas.

B. Function Philosophy
Based on the historians of philosophy at first birth serves as the parent or the mother of science. At that time there has been no other science that philosophy must answer all sorts of things, about human beings who talk philosophy, as well as about society, about the economy, about the country, about health and so forth.
Then, due to growing conditions than many of the problems that society can not be answered by philosophy lagim. The birth of science could provide answers to problems, such as natural science, Scientific Society of Medicine Sciences, Human Sciences, Knowledge Economy and others.
Science is then broken up again divided into more specific. Thus the birth of a variety of disciplines very much with briny respective specialty.

Specialisation occurs in such a way that the relationship between the branches and twigs are very complex science. These relationships there are still close but some are already far away. Some even as by not having a relationship. If sciences tersebutterus bersusaha deepen himself finally arrived on the philosophy. In connection with the above conditions can serve as an interdisciplinary philosophy of the system. Philosophy can serve to connect pengetauhuan sciences that has been complex. Filsapat can serve as a meeting place for various disciplines of science

This method can also be used to solve existing problems. This way I can describe sepertiorang was researching a tree shall examine the entire tree, he not only leaves meperhatikan, pohonnnya roots, flowers, fruit, and some others, but overall in the face of an expected use berbaga discipline problems to overcome them. For example there are social problems of rising crime tngkat. This has yet to be fully resolved if only to punish the pelangarnya only. In addition, it is necessary in the search for the principal. This step can probably find many reasons berkaiatan mutually to one another, such as the unemployed, the homeless, urbanization, kelenbihan population, lack of employment and so forth. From this discovery can we know that the problem of evil involves a variety of disciplines. Therefore to overcome this should be performed by a variety of disciplines

C. Use Philosophy
Based on the description above, the philosophy has the following functionality.
a. Train yourself to criticism and runtuk berfkir and compile the results of these thoughts in a systematic
b. Adding views and a wider horizon of thinking and not to be narrow and closed
c. Train yourself to do other research, assessment and decide or mengabil kesipulan on a matter in depth and comprehensive
d. Make yourself a dynamic environment and open in dealing with various problems
e. Make yourself a human being tolerant and tolerant
f. Be a useful tool for people both to kepentngan prbadinya or in relationships with other people
g. Recognizing the human position as both a personal and natural relationship with other people around, and God Almighty

D. The struggle of the Indonesian Nation
Before the arrival of the nation - the nation multiply dutch nation of Indonesia has a long history with various Meander - likunya. Similarly, a resistance that the Portuguese and Indonesian peoples. Among the nation - the nation west of the Dutch nation that could eventually play a role as a colonizer who benr - benr destroy the people of Indonesia
Given such circumstances that the Indonesian struggle against Dutch colonialism and Japanese
1. Struggle before the year 1900
In general we have learned that the Indonesian nation has been on the oppressed and the dibble by Dutch colonialists during the three and a half centuries. Count since 1596 is when the people - people in the netherlands who led by Cornelis de Houtman landed in Indonesia. People - people started trading and in the Netherlands received well by the Indonesian nation sefala apparently with full effort and resources kelicikanberusaha colonize the Indonesian nation
2. 1900 After years of struggle
Indonesian people realize that to drive the invaders is not enough simply by complaining of physical strength alone but need the existence lebihteratur and coordinated manner and integrated fashion. No matter how tight the colonizer engekang ndonesia nation to be stupid, but it also opens the way for war sekelompokkecil ndonesia for educational endapatkan

E. Pancasila element animates the Resistance Against Colonialism
If the warrior nation of Indonesia's examine carefully the elements - the elements of Pancasila is the spirit and soul of the struggle among
a. Elements of Divinity. In essence contrary to the teachings of god colonization. Because penjaahan Kash knows no love and compassion as taught by the god which one. Therefore, there is resistance against colonialism which were underpinned by the belief task - the task of religion
b. Humanitarian elements. Colonialism did not know humanitarianism. Colonization is essentially going to rediscover the value - the value of humanity that has been destroyed by the invaders
c. Elemental Unity. In the Indonesian nation is in reality I was cracked by the colonizers. Nevertheless the Indonesian people to realize that the split would lead to the collapse of the motto which reads as united we stand divided we fall. Therefore, however the union as well as a powerful weapon is not completely destroyed
d. Populist elements. Independence is the right of all nations in the world of colonialism must be abolished because it is not something fairy fairy premises contrary to the independence of colonial justice and freedom
e. Elements of Justice. Iatas already mentioned that the occupation is not in accordance with the fairy justice and humanitarianism. This is evident in the experience of the Indonesian nation during the first jaah never in treated fairly. Moreover, to get an education as it should be very in persukar

F. Implementation
Pancasila elements - elements in the digging of the Indonesian people themselves later accepted unanimously by the nation of Indonesia into Basic Philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia must be carried on
Implementation of Pancasila there are two types, namely:
a. Implementation Objective
Implementation of Pancasila objective is the implementation in all the rules from highest to lowest Constitution - Constitution of 1945 and regulations under the existing law. All of the state and civic life as well as all legal rules in Indonesia should be based on Pancasila
b. Implementation of Subjective
Implementation is the execution of the subjective in everyone Indonesia namely rulers, citizens and everyone connected with Indonesia


A. Conclusion
After the author tried to describe the problem in every chapter the author can take the following conclusion
That nsur - Pancasila elements have indeed been on the run by the nation and in Indonesia since the first. Because of evidence - a very wide range of historical evidence we need to hold his form this rigorous analysis. Because the evidence - there is some historical evidence in the form of symbols we need a careful and diligent analysis of various materials - materials that can diabstaksikan evidence such that the obtained results - satisfactory. By the way - the way results can be both critics and of course there is the possibility that speculative. Similarly adaunsur - elements that in an area more prominent than other regions such as seen in the Indonesian struggle with simple tools and looked at the building and the existing writings and deeds
Example - the example I wrote above, is in part testament to the struggle of the Indonesian nation as historical evidence - evidence of ancient relics such as the meaning of each - every building and every book content and writing and painting the existing meaning of creation by making an example - this example I expect it may cause stimulation to conduct thorough research, especially in order to study the philosophy of Pancasila in this paper at least - at least I can say that the element - the element comes from the Indonesian Pancasila itself and not a replica from the outside. Element - the element that existed prior to the date of August 17, 1945, even before the arrival of colonialists and you have functioned perfectly

B. Suggestions - Suggestions
In this paper the writer wishes to give advice to the reader in making this paper the author realizes that there are still many deficiencies - deficiencies of form and content both
- The author recommends the reader to take care in knowing the extent to which readers learn about the philosophy of Pancasila
- Hopefully, this paper could increase readers knowledge horizon


1. Achmad Notosoetarjo 1962, Personality Revolution Indonesian Nation
2. Notonagoro, Pnacasila I.II.III State Philosophy Association
3. K. Saleh Wantjik 1978, the Book Collection of Laws of Indonesia, Jakarta PT. Scholastic
4. Soediman Kartohadiprojo 1970, Some Thoughts About the Pancasila, Bandung Alumni

Pancasila and the Future of the Nation; Ideology Perspective

DATE June 1, 2008 tomorrow Pancasila was 63 years old. The following article tries to highlight the Pancasila with
ideological focus of study. Five Principles central to the nation-state ideology is the focus of the status of character praxis
and contains an even fight for the interests of national interest: independent, sovereign, united, equitable
and prosperous. Ideology Ideology different understanding of a philosophy in the following. If still in the realm of philosophy
speculative-reflexive, the ideology was in the realm of behavior acts. If philosophy is a purely rational thinking that can
just considered "value free" (dis interestedness), ideology is characterized by degradation of rationality, with the dominance
interests such as alluded to in advance. In terms of typology or way of thinking, ideology has the character more
approached myth.

Thus, ideology is not science because science are critical, open and embracing relativity of truth. Whereas
ideological in nature is not critical, closed and almost absolutizing itself as truth. View or performance
ideology implikatif entities are often revolutionary struggle, while science takes place in silence
because it relies on motion of the mind.

While the similarities to the myth of the main functions of ideology is distorting reality. Born to an ancient myth
ketaksanggupan answer rationally explain the reality of systematic. Ideology in the modern era was born to
answer the complexity of life in a systematic way that is rooted in a hypothetical concept. Positive in terms of ideology
characterized by this mythic world recognized as the impetus (impetus) of any effort either embodiment of the ideals kenegara-
nationality or party. Here the ideology embodies the determination and character; so Ruslan Abdul Gani (Slamet
Sutrisno; 1986) menamsilkan if the people there are great so-called mental strength, then the nation-state
the name of ideology.

So it except as a way of thinking, the next notion of ideology is the position and its existence as a system
belief or value system. He accepted as truth by a social group or nation-state as
comprehensive picture of the world; mecca of social methodology that serves panacea or single panacea
purposes of problem solving human problems. And just in case this was the era of western thought usangnya
ideology of a nation-state. Actuality Ideology So when in 1960 Professor Daniel Bell wrote the book "The
End of Ideology "Many are interested in him to argue that the era of ideology was already had to end.

In the era of modernity, especially globalization, people no longer need any ideology. One factor is
technological realities that follow and develop the glorious era of science; ipteklah that will guide
humans in problem solving rather than ideology. In our country, followers of this view among technologists is not

Everywhere permeated modern technology in order to advance themselves in society stelsel new civilization. Because
technology has become a system, ideology is absolutely not required. Precisely at that point that kesilafan the technologists;
system as a transformative technology when he is ideological, namely teknologisme. The book "The End of Ideology"
dedicated to Prof. Sidney Hook, professor of the authors of the book. Precisely Sidney Hook responded that
notion of ideology is over must be given to criticism in order not to make conclusions and generalizations are false.

Described by Sidney Hook that printing newspapers in the U.S. and the USSR (now; Russia) are both modern
and sophisticated, but nevertheless the outcome of the newspapers of both countries were clearly different superpower, if not
opposite. Freedom of the press in the U.S. so explicit, a journalist can bring down a president
(President Nixon in the Watergate), while press freedom in the Soviet Union of course far different from the U.S. since
so repressive.

In fact, the New Order regime with ideological practices that also menindis; do not have the president, even Menpen
Harmoko was so easily dismissed newspaper. What distinguish the press system in both countries
it, and modernity in our country is not printing system, but praxis ideology. So that if now
lively discourse that with global modernity, the ideology becomes irrelevant; will be how our founding
Facebook kenega legacy-ra-founded and nationality at stake by the founding fathers of
genesis is the ideology of nation-states?

At this crucial point spread back to discuss the actuality of the nation-state ideology in order to move progress
pengindonesiaan not remove his ideology (read: identity), especially if it is not getting ahead. It seems clear that
discuss re-Pancasila (as ideology) and the future of the nation, worthy enough and even necessary. More than
it, "Forward" and "Progress" itself should not be forgotten is the term and concept which became the ideological base of
Western modernity, with all its pluses and minusnya.

Besides as a base, and precisely as the base; he (progress) requires that both the criteria and intentionality
can only exist thanks to tilikan and ideological orientation. Trilogy Five Principles Based on the fact of history, culture and philosophy
Pancasila has three functions as follows: 1. As a world view / philosophy of life, 2. As the basic
Homeland and third countries. As a national ideology (Pranarka, 1985). The first functions as a world-view / view
Pancasila live litter and orientation kepengetahuan system and value system for the needs of the process membangsa
and menegara or to be keindonesiaan of all time.

The second function is as a basic state with respect to the system and the basic national law, including
to anticipate the presence of the legal system "pre-national" religious doctrine and sourced exclusively ethnicity
in the national legal order which is often controversial. The third function as a national ideology of Pancasila is
function "pragmatic" in which the behavior becomes inevitable follow-keindonesiaan national community. Actuality Pancasila
as a national ideology of Pancasila as the actuality of the discourse of national ideology is first prize
then have to sue the consciousness and awareness of ourselves as a nation, for "national" is a term that
Basically the word nation.

Within the framework of the theory of functions of ideology, the ideology has the function of legitimacy (Weber) and functional integration (Geertz).
So it is for self-actualization nation, (ideology) Pancasila should be neutralized and eliminated from the function
distortion, is made with elegant functions of legitimacy and deepened integratifnya function. From the other hand is now more necessary
stated that the Homeland with Pancasila was identical, like water flowing eaves which would be consistent through
and the grooves roof (Notonagoro, 1967). When dialectics and acculturation has a temper
keindonesiaan long time, so in response to global modernity, dialectical and not acculturation
be shifted toward the dictation and pembebekan where Indonesia (read: Pancasila) allowed non-role in the reality of
objects and not subjects.

Seems important here quoted "Trisakti" his Sukarno: "sovereign in the political, economic and self sufficient
personality in the field of culture. " On the other hand, it is also important to the establishment of Mohammad Hatta, the Pancasila did not appear
Exclusive decorator lips (lipstick) but serves as a salt, not seen but felt. This parable
tendency to view exclusively drawn from the economic and minority groups "connected" with certain movements
exclusively religious in our country lately.

In fact, as the ideology of Pancasila itself has an inclusive nature, as evidenced from the melekatinya symbolism,
"Unity in Diversity." Actuality of the Pancasila ideology can not be separated from cognition and philosophical reflection, that
Pancasila is the probe and the mandala of national culture that is able to cope with the modern tendency
world civilization. That is, science and technology must somehow influence the formation of world culture,
needs to make an intelligent distinction when and where science is a culture (in relation to value systems) and science and technology is
civilization (which is considered value-free).

Science and Technology, which is driven by the force of reason or rationality in absorbsinya into Indonesian society
waiting for the landing and "syringe" of Pancasila towards managing not only the ethical dimension, but rather to
kepengetahuan or epistemologinya dimensions, even in terms of metaphysics, because the precepts taught about the Almighty Godhead
Divine Reality (which is not known in the positivistic science and technology).

The success of building a non-weight alternative epistemology exemplified by the Chinese nation, such a system
treatment which is recognized the world. Science and technology anywhere other than in terms of benefits and progress it has triggered various
world crisis because there is the background which is shown by Nicholas Maxwell (2004) as the main factor that crises, namely
realities of science without wisdom.

Dimensional real Pancasila teaches wisdom, but has not done much good in elaborasinya
realm of academic science and the pragmatic political domain. Comparative Study of the Pancasila ideology of Western ideologies
bersumberkan modern philosophy of rationalism and individualism that produced the modern understanding rights
human and democratic West.

Bersumberkan philosophy of Pancasila as an ideology of nationhood in which each related to the history of philosophical thought
and different cultures, to which the discipline of Sociology was born as pioneered and developed Knowledge
by Marheim, Merton, Luchan and so forth. As an implication, for example, the adoption of human rights into the constitution should
not intended in the framework of the constitution to change the basic nature cq 1945, but within the framework of objectives
other. Namely, in order not to limit the absolute power, memperkaitkan rights and obligations, build civil society
and democratization. Thus, many human rights clauses in the 1945 amendment was not intended for
philosophical-ideological framework westernized.

Five Principles need to be strengthened to keep the nation's credibility is not being broken in letting a new reality:
technology as ideology, as the ideology of economic development since it must remain current in
rules the nation, within the framework of a national ideology of Pancasila. Finally, the development of the ideology of Pancasila
can be reached through the ways comparative to the success and failure of major world ideologies.

q-o / c (3643-2008) *)

By: Drs Slamet Sutrisno MSI, Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta Pancasila.


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