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Pancasila: Ideology Or Displays Nation?

Written By Isebel on Kamis, Juli 15, 2010 | 09.50

=== Pancasila: Ideology Or Displays Nation?
By adminksm
By: Mandy Ermawati, HI National University 2007
Keeksistensian ideology of Pancasila as the nation lies in awareness and concern for all of us to implement Pancasila values in everyday life and instill these values into the indigo ourselves, and not just be purely ornamental.
Indonesian nation-state is formed with a very unique characteristics and specific. Unlike German, English, French, Italian, Greek, which became a nation state because of the similarity of language. Or Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, which became a nation because of the similarity mainland. Or Japan, Korea, and countries in the Middle East, which became one State because of race equality.
Indonesia became a nation state but consists of many languages, ethnic, racial, and islands. This was achieved because of the similarity of the past history, almost the same area during the 500 years and 300 years of Sriwijaya and Majapahit kingdom are equally colonized by the Dutch 350 years and 3.5 years by the Japanese.
Our nation-state is also formed on a major effort founding fathers, who tirelessly and out of jail Indonesia to establish a sense of nationhood which is officially born on October 28, 1928 Youth Pledge. Indonesian nation-state through the proclamation of independence was born August 17, 1945 and 1945 set by PPKI on August 18, 1945, which in part includes the opening of the ideology of Pancasila as the nation or as the basis of State of Indonesia which is contained within the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila is the sublimation of view of life and cultural values that unite our communities diverse ethnic, racial, language, religion, the island became a single nation, Indonesia
Ideology of Pancasila as the nation, making Indonesia the world's eyes is very unique because the ideology of Pancasila is the only one who dipunya by the Indonesian nation and this is a matter of pride that dipunya by the Indonesian nation in the eyes of the world. But in its development now can be said as the ideology of Pancasila or the display of the nation? Can be argued that Pancasila at the present time is only used as "a display of" nation. A display that looks presticious and rare that only exist in Indonesia. Are we proud of such a display? Yes, of course very proud, because there is no state anywhere that has the Pancasila. But why only as a display? Pancasila is the ideology of the nation, which the Indonesian State. Reality is happening now is the values contained in Pancasila much distorted. For example, he said the first principle of Pancasila mentioned "Belief in God Almighty" but why many of today the political parties that make their religion as an ideology, and we know that yes we ideology, Pancasila, then the value contained within the four precepts for deliberation, but This happens when people choose their own way of voting rather than consensus, this has been modeled from western countries, then said justice for all Indonesian people but in reality it becomes injustice for all Indonesian people. Because there are still many Indonesian people who do not get out of poverty while the rich in Indonesia is increasing, and also said the unity of Indonesia, it tends to individualism, in adding more and more current Globalization can not be dammed existence.
This is exacerbated by the elites who sit in government, manipulate the values of Pancasila itself, which is more astonishing in the young people if asked five principles of Pancasila just forgot, let alone prompted the birth of Pancasila itself, quite ironic really, the younger generation should be the next generation successor nation will not forget the ideology of the nation even their own people they do not even know. Could be going extinct as the Pancasila ideology of our nation. Actually, if there is something wrong with Pancasila? Or Pancasila should be overhauled? Of course those two things are not possible. Nothing wrong with Pancasila Pancasila and do not need to be overhauled because of the values contained in Pancasila is the soul of the Indonesian nation has crystallized and is characteristic of the Indonesian nation. Then are we still make Pancasila only as a display of the nation and allow it to Pancasila missing? Of course this can not be tolerated, and what should we do so not only created a display of Pancasila, and to settle into an ideology of Pancasila remains the nation?.
First, caring attitude and awareness of the need for us all to membumikan ideology of Pancasila as the Indonesian nation, an ideology that is very unique that only owned by Indonesia, and it was inseparable from the role of government to help. Second, developed civic attitudes disposition (the development of citizenship values and attitudes in social interaction, nationality and global association) civic knowledge (the development of civic knowledge about democracy, human rights, civil society and governance pemeribntahan) and civic skills (development of citizenship skills as members of society, nation and global society in social interaction or in interaction with other States or international). Third, in order to remain credible Pancasila should be revitalized. This means that Pancasila is placed in its unity with the opening and dieksplorasikan as a paradigm in this dimension of reality attached to it, idealitas and flexibility. And the fourth, making the Pancasila as a living reality (the reality of everyday life by looking at the development of society as an increase in human rights).
Keeksistensian ideology of Pancasila as the nation lies in the awareness of and concern for all of us to implement Pancasila values in everyday life, and instill these values into ourselves, and not just be purely ornamental.

Save Pancasila
* By Sudharto & Rosidi
Pancasila ideology which is boiled in such a way by the founders of the Indonesian nation, a philosophy and ideology of a nation that must be respected and upheld by the entire Indonesian nation rakyatnya.Ideologi were in line with the needs and realities of the Indonesian people are very plural and diverse.
In recent years without having to accuse anyone mastermind, many people who try to undermine the Pancasila. Ideology of the nation was now in an alarming condition. Authority has been torn by the individual that is also on behalf of the people and nation.
After 61 years as an ideology of Pancasila assumed the position of the nation began the era of the Old Order, New Order until the Order of the Reformation, many parties felt his strength has been devastated by the children of the nation itself, almost disappeared from the pulse of life.
Great Compromise
Pancasila is really a great compromise the Indonesian nation to unite in diversity, the ideology of the nation toward a just society - prosperous, and the basis of the state in supporting the establishment of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (Homeland).
Because of its position that the Five Principles shall be maintained. If not then the building would be vulnerable Homeland which in turn would fall to pieces swallowed by the waves of globalization.
The existence of Pancasila is very important for Indonesia. First, as a philosophy and ideology of the nation. As an independent and sovereign nation, the philosophy and ideology is a necessity and one of the requirements that must be owned by an independent nation.
Second, the great compromise. Pancasila is the great compromise of the nation through the people who later gave birth to this independent country.
Should nation's founding fathers grand compromise that has been fighting for independence from our colonial betrayers?
Third, the unifier of the nation. Confident and aware of the philosophy and ideology of Pancasila is a nation that had united the nation of Indonesia which consists of thousands of islands, ethnic groups, languages and religions. With Indonesia's there and free. For the same position as the unifying nation must be maintained until the death.
Efforts to save on the philosophy of the State of irresponsible elements, it is obligatory for all the people in this country.
This is because of the importance in maintaining the integrity of Pancasila positions Homeland to a prosperous civil society lives in an atmosphere of mutual respect, dignity, peaceful and orderly.
Movement guard and maintain the current Pancasila is obligatory. Was associated with a variety of violations against the state philosophy of the New Order era.
At that time diredusir Pancasila, misunderstood and misused by those with the Suharto regime as a symbol of his power. Pancasila is used to hegemony of the people and serve as a tool to perpetuate the legitimacy of the establishment (status quo).
Jargon Unity in Diversity in Pancasila, the New Order period, further highlight the "Single" instead of the "Unity" of the existing. All made the same. Even painting the fence was to be the same.
Abuse of Pancasila at that time left a bad memory in our society. As a result of Pancasila prestige in the eyes of the people to be reduced and even seemed to have no value anymore.
The bureaucrats, officials, intellectuals and the party elite, a group that has actually been quite familiar with what and how the Five Principles to the discussion of urgency. Only applications that need to be questioned. While in the realm graas root, grass-roots groups, their understanding is lacking, so they need to be given was actually the enlightenment philosophy of Pancasila as the state and nation in Indonesia.
Ideology of the nation was now torn and marred by its own people so that children motivatifnya force to unify the diversity in a broad sense, is at its nadir.
To the rescue efforts of Pancasila became mandatory. Ideology of the nation must be preserved and restored dignity as a unifier of the nation with all the functions motivatifnya. Effort needs to be done: first, the socialization of the urgency of Pancasila.
Philosophy and ideology of Pancasila as the nation so far only limited in the academic world (school / college). He became a discourse that not all people know the function and urgency. Therefore, the socialization of the urgency of Pancasila as an ideology is very urgent to be done immediately.
Actually this is already done by several groups. But still limited and tend to be elitist. Held at the hotels in the presence of the bureaucrats, officials, intellectuals and the party elite. Group that has actually been quite familiar with what and how the Five Principles to the discussion of urgency. Only applications that need to be questioned.
While in the realm graas root, grass-roots groups, their understanding is lacking, so they really need to be given is associated with enlightenment philosophy of Pancasila as the state and nation in Indonesia. Second, do not memolitisasi Pancasila. Place in a position that should be great. Keep away from political interests to gain and preserve power, let alone the hegemony of the people.
Third, the shape Rescue Forum Pancasila. This forum could be filled from community leaders, intellectuals, politicians and others who committed similar.
Fourth, the union leaders in an effort to rescue the nation of Pancasila. The nations leaders like Gus Dur, Megawati, Amien Rais, Akbar Tandjung, Wiranto, Salahuddin Wahid and other leaders leaders facilitated by the government, sitting together membincang basic issues that country has lost prestige and of course finding solutions to the efforts of salvation. With some of the things above, hopefully the ideology of Pancasila as the nation returned as an authoritative national philosophy so revered by all elements of society. (11)
- Drs. Sudharto, MA, Member of DPD MPR Central Java, a former activist Rosidi Indonesian Youth Struggle Front (FPPI) Semarang City Council.

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