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That is the spirit of a dynamic, positive and konstuktif as desired by the opening of the 1945 Constitution

Written By Isebel on Kamis, Juli 15, 2010 | 10.01

1.1 Background

Pancasila is the values of Indonesian life since the days of our ancestors until today. Based on that terdapatlah differences between the Indonesian community with other communities. The values of life are realizing charitable deeds and traits as well Watek Indonesian people. In other words the people of Indonesia have the feature itself, which is a personality.
With home values Indonesian people to see and solve problems in life is to direct and guides the activities of social life. Thus they are believed to carry out life kebenaranya. That outlook on life because of the ingrained belief that then become the basis of the Pancasila state ideology and state. That determination of the Indonesian people who set the date 18 August 1945 through the preparatory committee of Indonesian independence. Agreement, the sipatnya noble, can not be replaced or modified. Pancasila instrumental in the shaping of society that we wish to achieve, which means that a modern Indonesian society based on such lofty values.
To realize the Pancasila society, we need a law that contains the norms, rules or regulations that must be implemented and adhered to by every Indonesian citizen. Law is the legal basis of the 1945 Constitution as written in our country.

2.1 Definition
Pancasila as the basis of the nagara Rebublik set Indonesia on August 18, 1945, as a basis nagara, then the values of national life and self-governing since then must be based on Pancasila.

Pancasila can be interpreted etymologically and termonomologis. Etymologically the word derives from the sangsakerta Pancasila which have a sense of "penta" means "five" dab "sila" meaning "the base" base "(Moh Yamin). Perkataanpancasila originally used in Buddhist religious community that India, which defines the five rules that must be adhered to adherents. Residual influence of the understanding by the observer Buddhist Pancasila was still known in the Java community, with the familiar 5 M, which is prohibited: Mateni (kill), Maling, wadon (berjina), drunk and play.
In terms termologis Pancasila means five or five-base basis, for the base name of our state of RI, this term began to be suggested by Bung Karno BPUPKI trial date of 1 June 1945 as the basis for a new state of Indonesia and approved in its meeting dated August 18, 1945 PPKI.

1.3 Methods
In preparing this paper, the author uses the method of analysis and review of literature, which was considered quite effective in obtaining the data and facts which subsequently responded to by the author in connection with relevensinya at this time that it found several irregularities, improprieties and shifted the noble values of Pancasila as the influence development of the times.

1.4 Purpose and objective
By writing this paper, the authors hope to do little to give a description that the purpose of studying is to study Pancasila Pancasila correct mengamalakan Pancasila Pancasila and practice.

Pancasila learn the correct, ie that can be held accountable both in the juridical, constitutional, and it objectively - scientific. Legally - kerana constitutional meaning is the basis of the Pancasila state in use as a basis to regulate and govern the country. Therefore, any person may give the sense or tapsiran own opinion.
Objectively - the scientific meaning because Pancasila is an understanding of philosophy, a way of thingkin philoshofical or philoshophical system so that the description must be logical and accepted by common sense.

Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and the Proclamation of August 17, 1945 have a relationship in two aspects, namely historical aspects, and aspects of prosperity. Historical aspects of the relationship, namely that the short history of the formulation and agreement with the formulation of Pancasila manuscript Proclamation and the Constitution, made by leaders of the independence struggle and opendiri RI. Incorporated in the BPUPKI and PPKI dri dated May 29, 1945 until the date of August 18, 1945. relations aspects of prosperity, namely that the formulation of Pancasila are listed in the Preamble to the Constitution in 1945 which is the subject of fundamental rules of the state, thus having the essence of Pancasila, the nature and position as well as the principal function of the fundamental rules of the state. That runs itself as the basic survival of the state of Indonesia which was proclaimed on August 17, 1945.
Unitary state of Indonesia which was proclaimed on August 17, 1945 with the Pancasila as the basis of the State and the 1945 Constitution as the basic law, is the culmination of the struggle for independence of the Indonesian Nation. Marks the movement's struggle for independence can be divided into three patterns, namely, the character of nationality, there are religious and some are patterned patterned sosiolistik.
A patterned movement of the nationality of the struggle movement that aims to establish an independent state that belongs to all people and groups in society, including religious affairs are not matters of state.
Patterned movement religious struggle, which is the movement that aims to memdirikan independent state with Islam as an essentially religious. Sosiollistik patterned movements that struggle, sosiolistik independent state basis, with basic sosiolisme independent state and communism.
To limit the scope of the discussion of the problem, the author will only limit:
1. Understanding of Pancasila ditijau of functions, namely:
• As of the Republic of Indonesia
• In view of the Indonesian Nation Live
• For Basic Indonesian ideology Nation

2. Pancasila relationship with 1945.

1.3 Definition of Pancasila Seen From Function

A. Five Principles For Living Views Nations
Creation of man as God Almighty, in the struggle for the struggle to achieve a more perfect life, constantly requiring dijunjungnya noble values as a view hdup noble values is a good benchmark terkenaan with things that are fundamental and lasting in human life, such as ideals - ideals that human life is about to accomplish in view of life that consists of unity rangkayan values - noble values themselves. Outlook on life serves as a frame of reference both to organize the life of the individual self and the interaction between people in society and the natural surroundings. As a creature of human individuals and social beings it is impossible to supply all its own needs, therefore to develop their human potential, he is always in need of people. In this sense, the personal human always live as part of a broader social environments, respectively - helped the family environment, community, nation and environment lingungan country which is a major public institution that is expected to deliver and realize the vision of his life. Thus in life together. Ideals who want to achieve it is based on the outlook on life.
In this sense, the process of formulating the philosophy of life and institutionalized people poured into the nation worldview and outlook on life and the nation set forth hereinafter, and instituted a live view of the state. Outlook on life as a nation can be called ideology nation (national), and outlook on life negaradapat referred to as the state ideology.
In the process of adjustment and life modren between the views of community life with peoples outlook on life has a mutual relationship. Outlook on life is projected to return to the nation's outlook on life is reflected in the attitude of society and personal lives of its citizens. Thus, Pancasila state philosophy of life in society is reflected in the life of the country is bound by the obligations of constitutional government, namely the government and others to maintain the state administration. Humanitarian character and uphold the noble ideals of the sublime morality of the people (Darmodihardjo, 1996).
Worldview transformation of society into the view of life of the nation and eventually became the basis of the state also happens to live a long view of the Pancasila. Pancasila before formulated a basic state and the state ideology, its values have been found on the Indonesian people and their customs, culture and religions as a way of life of Indonesian society. Existing views on Indonesian society is then transformed into a life that has been terintis pandanga since the time of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and then swear youth in 1928. then raised and formulated by the founders of the state in BPUPKI sessions, the Committee of Nine, and the trial PPKI then determined and agreed upon as the basis for the Republic of Indonesia and in this sense sebangai the Pancasila state philosophy of life and at the same time as the State ideology
Indonesian nation state in life has a way of life along the bwersumber on its cultural roots and religious values with a stable outlook on life and hence towards the Indonesian people will know where the goals to accomplish. With a view of life in Indonesia yakininya nation will be able to perceive and solve all the problems that it faces appropriately so as not to be swayed issue. With a clear view of life then the Indonesian nation will have a handle or pedoaman how to recognize and solve various problems encountered political, social, cultural, economic, legal, hamkan and other problems in society that the more advanced movements.
Pancasila as the nation's view of life is contained in the basic conception of life that aspired to that contained basic deepest thoughts and ideas about life that is considered good form. Therefore, the Pancasila as the nation's outlook on life is a crystallization of the values of living in Indonesian society, then pandanagn upheld by its citizens living kerana bansa Pancasila philosophy of life rooted in culture and outlook on life and society. Thus De4ngan worldview Indonesian nation is Unity in Diversity is a principle of unity of the nation so that diversity should not be lethal.
As the essence of the cultural values of Indonesian society, the ideals of Pancasila merupan moral nation that also write guidelines for the nation and the spiritual strength to behave in daily life in the noble society, barbangsa and state.

B. As the Constitution of the Republic of Pancasila Indonesia
Pancasila in this life rering referred to as the basic philosophy or the basic philosophy of the state (philosoficche Gronslag) from the state, nation or ideology (Pancasila Staatsidee0. in this sense is a basic values and norms to regulate state government or in other words pencasila is a basis to regulate state administration. Consequently all the executors and organizers of all the rules, especially any legislation including the reform process in all areas today, translated derived from the values of Pancasila. The Pancasila is the source of all sources of law, the Pancasila merupakn source of state law rules that constitutionally regulate the state of the Republic of Indonesia along all the elements of folk, regional, and state government.
As the basis of the state, Pancasila is a desperate kerokhanian including a mystic or the ideals of law, so that is a source of values, norms and rules, both moral and legal state, and mastering hukumdasar whether written or the Constitution and the unwritten or the Convention. In life sebagaidasar state, Pancasila has legally binding force.

As a source daris all sources of law or as a source of legal order Indonesia, the Pancasila highest provisions contained in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, then dijelmakan or further elaborated the points in mind, which includes the mystical atmosphere of the 1945 Constitution, which in turn dikongkritisasikan or describe in the articles of the 1945 Constitution, as well as other positive law. The position of the Pancasila as the basic state can be detailed as follows:

• Pancasila as the basic state is a source and any other sources of law (a source of legal order), Indonesia. Thus, Pancasila is the spiritual principle of the rule of law in Indonesia that the 1945 opening of the jelmakan further into four main themes.
• Includes atmosphere of mysticism (Geislichenhintergrund) from 1945.
• To realize the ideals of the legal basis of state law (whether written or not the basic law of writing).
• Contain the norm that requires Constitution contains content that requires the government and others pennyelenggara countries (including the organizers and functional groups) held tegus moral ideals are noble people. This is as stated in the four main themes which read as follows "... ... ... .. Countries based upon the belief in God Almighty, according to dab a fair basis of civilized humanity. "
• Merupankan source of the spirit of the Constitution in 1945, for administering the country, the implementers of government (also the organizer of the party and faction finagsial). This is understandable because the spirit is crucial for the implementation and operation of the state, because the Indonesian people and the country continues to grow and evolve over time and dianmika society and the state remains covered and on country serahakan spiritual principle.
As it has determined the formation of the state that the main goal is the formulation of the Pancasila as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the principal function of the Pancasila as the basic state of the Republic of Indonesia. This is according to the juridical basis as stated dlam 1945, the provisions of No XX/MPRS/1966. (MPR decree No. V/MPR/1973 and assessment No. IX/MPR/1978. In explaining that the Pancasila as the source and the source or sources of law that the Indonesian legal order is essentially a philosophy of life, consciousness and legal ideals and aspirations -moral ideals that include psychotherapy and the nature of the atmosphere Indonesian state further argued that these ideals include the ideals of individual freedom, the independence of nations, perikemanusian, social justice, national peace and mondial, political ideals about the nature, shape and purpose countries, the moral ideals of religious life into masyarakatan and as pengejawatanhan of human conscience mind.
In today's reform process through the MPR special session in 1998, returning the position of the Pancasila as the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia as stated in the Tap. No. XVIII/MPR/1998. therefore, all the agenda in the reform process, which covers various fields in addition based on the fact aspirations of the people (Sila IV) must also be fundamental to the values contained in Pancasila. Reform is not possible to store the value of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and justice, even had to come to him.
C. As an Ideology Pancasila Indonesia Nation
As a nation and the state ideology of Pancasila Indonesia so basically not only a result of reflection or thought a person or group of people as other ideologies in the world, but Pancasila values removed from the customs, cultural values and religious values inherent in outlook on life before forming the state of Indonesian society, in other words the elements of a material (material) Pancasila appointed none other than his own outlook on life and society, so that this nation is the power of the materialist (original material) Pancasila.
Pancasila elements are then removed and the founders formulated okeh countries, so that Pancasila is as a basic state and the ideology of the nation state of Indonesia. Thus the ideology of Pancasila as the Indonesian state and nation rooted in a philosophy of life and culture of the nation and not to lift or take the ideology of other nations. In addition Pancasila is also not just ideas or reflections of someone who is only fighting for just a particular group or faction, but the Five Principles derived from the values held by the nation so that Pancasila is essentially for all layers and elements komperensif nation. Therefore, it is typical Pancaila have good agreement with the Indonesian nation.
2. Relations with the 1945 Pacasila
Pancasila the basis of our country are formulated from the values of Indonesian society from the nation's view of life which is a personality, noble nation agreements and goals to be realized. Because it was made in the Pancasila state ideology.
Pancasila is the awareness of legal ideals and lofty moral ideals that have a psychological atmosphere and character of the Indonesian nation, the foundation of independence prolamasi August 17, 1945.
To realize the goal of independence proclamation of Indonesian independence, the preparatory committee (PPKI) has set the 1945 basic law written merupak Tied government, each agency / community, citizen and resident of RI on August 18, 1945, the day after the proclamation of independence. In the opening division of the mind are the main points about social life, the state that has no points of Pancasila laindalah pikitran they are realized in the articles of the trunk of the 1945 Constitution which is the main rule in the rules outline the instruction to the government and other public officials to do their job.
According to the explanation of the 1945 subjects included thoughts of mystical atmosphere of the Indonesian state laws, and to realize the ideals of law (Rechtsidee) which controls both state law and regulations written or unwritten. The main points that thought dijelmakan in the articles and the Constitution. Thus we can conclude that the atmosphere kebatianan UUD1945 and ideals of the 1945 law are nothing but sourced to or inspired by the basic state philosophy Pancasila. Here is the meaning and function of the Pancasila as the basic state.
Or in other words that the opening of the 1945 foundation of the state philosophy Pancasila, is one keasatuan terpadau values and norms that can not be separated by a series of articles and torso 1945. this is what we have seen, understood and internalized by every Indonesian.
So besides the Pancasila was contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution (formulation and the main points contained in the mind) elaborated in the form of principal clauses of the trunk of the 1945 Constitution.
The Godhead is in basic commands that need to be given an explanation. It itialh authentic explanation contained in the 1945 Constitution.
Jidi Pancasila is the soul, this is the source and foundation of the 1945 Constitution. technically it can be said that the main points contained in pembukaanUUD mind 1945 is the outline of ideals embodied in the Pancasila. Torso 1945 is the main points pnacasila values are arranged in chapters.
Second part (kompenan) 1945 tersebutr described in the explanation of authentic As has been stated that what is meant by the basic law is the law that tertulis.hal dasr This implies that as the law, the constitution is binding; binding orders, binding copper countries and institutions are also binding on all negaraindonesia masyarakatdan everywhere and every citizen indonesi.dan as a legal resident, then the basic laws contain norms, atura-aturanatu provisions dilaksanakandan ketantuanyang must be obeyed.
Constitution is not a common basic law, but the basic law which is the source hukum.setiap legal products such as legislation, regulation or government decision pemerinytah, even every execution of government policy should be based on the rules bersuberkan pliers or higher, which in turn can in accountability the provisions of the Constitution in 1945.
In a position which says, UUDdalam framework of good order or the level of the applicable legal norms, is a law that occupies the tinggi.sehubungan with the basic laws also serve as a control for mengecekapakah REDAH legal norms applicable in accordance or not with provisions of the constitution.
Apart from what diuraykan advance and also in accordance with the constitution an explanation in 1945, the opening of Act-undsang dasar1945mempuyai function or direct contact with the body of law that dasar1945 sendiri.ialah that; opening 1945mengandung basic laws that thought the points were created by law the basis of article-articles 1945dalam.
By staying aware of the greatness of values contained in Pancasila and with due regard to the relationship with the torso contains the basic philosophy of the Constitution which states pancasali and 1945 represents the unity that can not be separated even a continuum of values and norms are integrated. 1945 consists of a series of articles is the embodiment of the main points in the 1945 Constitution which did not pikiranterkandung another go round of thought: the unity of Indonesia, social justice, popular sovereignty based on democracy and the consent of the representatives and the divinity of the Almighty according to a just and civilized humanity , which does not lainadalah precepts of Pancasila, while Pancasila itself radiates noble values that have been able to give encouragement to and stuck with the solemn in the 1945 device. and an energized spirit is essentially a continuum yidak can be separated.
As mentioned in advance that in addition to the basic law, there is still a basic law that also merupkan unwritten sources of law, which according to the explanation of the 1945 Constitution is a 'rule-base auran incurred and maintained in practice Organizing countries, although not written' . This is what is meant by constitutional convention or habit as a complement or fill vacancies arising from the practice of state who, because these rules do not exist in the basic Act.
1945 Constitution which only consists of 37 chapters plus the Transitional Provisions of Article Four and two ayatturan Supplement, the 1945 Constitution including the short and having the character or fleksibal sociable. In this hubumgan explanation has been proposed that the 1945 Act is sufficient if the basis includes only the principal rules guidelines as instructions to the Government Organizing pusatdan other countries to organize the life of the country. Basic Law who abbreviated it is very profitable for a country like Indonesia is still to be secarz growing dynamically, so the basic rules are the rules of who would be flexible, supple, not easily outdated, who were the rules of conduct rules iti basic rules submitted to the Law who do make it easier, menubah and revoked. Therefore, the more flexible (elastic)
Nature rules the better. So we should be so basic law system should not be outdated. What is important in government and in terms of country life is the spirit of government leaders. That is the spirit of a dynamic, positive and konstuktif as desired by the opening of the 1945 Constitution.
A. Conclusion
From the data and the facts of the literature review is conducted, resulted in several conclusions as follows:
1. Pancasila is systematic, meaning that can not and should not be exchanged for position-silanya sila.
2. Pancasila as the basis of the state brings the consequence that everything that exists in these countries must obey the principles of (consistent) with that in mind, including rule of law / legislation and regulations.
3. In order to realize the Pancasila society, meaning a modern Indonesian society based on noble values, it takes a relationship between capture serosi Pancasila with the obligation to obey the Constitution in 1945 as a basic law written in our country.
B. Suggestion
To be able to achieve a common purpose, namely upholding and implementing the noble values of Pancasila in all areas of society, nation and state. The author suggests "let's explore together to understand the Pancasila doctrine that we should thoroughly understand and can apply it in everyday life, with the aim to reduce little by little things that can threaten and endanger the Pancasila which not only come from outside but from within , especially in this era of globalization.
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3. Soeprapto, H.Z.A. CHAPTER III As a Systems Philosophy Pancasila Jakarta: BP-Center.
4. Writer Tim PPKn. 2004 Mhir PPKn High School Class 3 Semester II. Bandung: PT. TEENS ROSDAKARYA.

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