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Existing problems in the development of politics in Indonesia

Written By Isebel on Kamis, Juli 15, 2010 | 09.59

1.1 Background
Coalition of political parties, as has been frequently heard in politics in Indonesia, is a combination of several political parties. Coalition is often the case when there are elections, whether local elections or the presidential election. Coalition could be based on several things, such as common ideology, common vision, mission, the historical similarities, or other similarities. Coalition is a natural thing happens in Indonesia because Indonesia is a multiparty system adopted. Obviously the style multiparty did to get a maximum power that it must combine the strength of parties.
Inter-party coalition can be seen inside the SBY-JK government, in which the United Indonesia Cabinet (KiB). In the United Indonesian Cabinet SBY formation is composed of various parties, such as the Democratic Party, Justice Party, Golkar, and others. SBY's cabinet coalitions in this course in order to accommodate the interests of existing parties. And of course the fatherly join forces in the parliament (DPR). SBY comes from remembering that the party who obtained a small voice in the Parliament of the Democratic Party.

Based on the above and within the framework of Political Education Seminar lecture at the College of Education and Pedagogy Indonesian Teachers Association (STKIP - PGRI) Sukabumi, writers interested in writing a paper with the theme: "Kompetansi and the Coalition of Political Parties Post-Reform Order."

2.1 Identification of Problems
Based on the description of the problems described above, and here are the author identifies problems that exist in kompetansi coalition of political parties after the order of reform as follows:
1. How understanding the competence of political parties?
2. Understanding how a coalition of political parties?
3. How understanding the political parties?
1.3 Limitation Problem
Existing problems in the development of politics in Indonesia is extremely broad, with the aim to focus this makalh report, the authors restrict the problem to be written in this report are as follows:
1. How efforts to improve understanding of the sense of political competence in Indonesia;
2. How to increase the understanding of understanding collision between political parties in Indonesia;
3. How to increase understanding pemahamn political parties in Indonesia.


2.1 Definition of Competency
According to the general dictionary Purwadarminta in the Indonesian language, competence is the authority (power) to determine or decide something. Competency in English is a competency or competence is a noun, according to William D. Powell Linguist application Version 1.0 (1997) interpreted: 1) skill, ability, competency 2) authority. Said the nature of competence is competent, which means capable, capable, and agile.
So the secretary of competence can mean a secretary authority to determine or decide an issue that exist in an enterprise or can also be interpreted as a secretary in the mastering job skills that are operational and managerial. So that development efforts managed by the company can continue to grow and be accepted by society

2.2 Definition of Coalition
Andi Surya, Lecturer UMITRA Lampung, referring to the understanding of the coalition, no other efforts designed to absorb the political alliances of common interest. Is it possible to happen if the two groups previously opposed to the coalition? The answer certainly can, but there must be mutual interests to be achieved. So, what interests together to achieve a permanent coalition of Golkar offered to PDIP?
Put an instance of this permanent coalition targets more profitable F-PDIP. Is F-PDIP to simply break the togetherness with the other factions that have been shoulder to shoulder discuss the budget in 2006. I'm sure, F-PDIP has achieved a complete thought to the meaning of historical and political conflicts from 2005 to 2006. Naturally, if they are not necessarily sacrificing coalition propembahasan Budgets in 2006 just for the sake of a new Permanent Coalition.
Unity Coalition
On the other hand, offer a permanent coalition of Golkar PDIP would reap only for certain interpretation of the other faction. If this coalition is running and no other faction profitable, I'm sure faction in Golkar and PDIP outside numbering 36 people (12 F-PBPR, six F-PAN, six F-PKAB, six F-Democrat, and six F-MCC) will be Coalition forces are united Permanent counterbalance that only 29 (16 F-13 F-Golkar and PDIP). If this happens, there will be a new force in parliament polarization Lampung: Permanent Coalition forces (Golkar and PDIP) versus Unity Coalition (PBPR, PAN, PKB, PKS, Democrat).
Concerns mastery of political hegemony in Lampung, with the advent of legislative bodies Permanent Coalition factions might unite outside Golkar and PDIP - for the sake of convenience we call Unity Coalition. Unity Coalition Coalition forces counterbalance Permanent especially in relation to the internal political dynamics of the process of Parliament.
If the Coalition Permanent manifestly less formed and reduce interest Unified Coalition, would conflict with polarized vol two different strengths and problems with conflict from 2005 to 2006.
Especially in 2007 ridden by political parties in connection with the preparation of the election a few cities / counties and 2008 elections that followed elections in 2009 the governor. This is very unfortunate political Lampung. People tired of conflict. People want to establish the performance of its representatives in Parliament for the benefit of Lampung in general.
Together Coalition
Seeing the trend of polarization of the relationship that has been created so far, it's hard to conclude that the coalition is really permanent in the sense of a permanent coalition of Golkar and DPIP only. This means that this coalition will never be complete for a relationship that is long-term interests between Golkar and PDIP. Why is that? Permanent coalition of course is not specifically associated with the interests of local elections, especially for election purposes in 2009. Golkar would have wanted in the form of a permanent nature limited to the level of interest in the work process at the level of factions within the parliament building just Lampung.
In my terminology, the coalition was in fact "with a permanent coalition": the coalition which was addressed to all factions in order to create public decisions related to aspects of legislation, budgets, and oversight while creating the quality of political communication.
I understand that by holding the PDIP, Golkar can transfer your hope through the PDIP coalition's ideas, especially to the discussant group Budgets 2006. If so, implicitly, I understand the way thinks permanent coalition with Golkar is invited PDIP PDIP fishing strategy on the development relationships to be getting better today.
That must be asked, first, why PDIP still looks cool for offering such a coalition. Second, why have not there is communication between the PDIP and other fractions propembahasan Budget 2006 in this regard. PDIP-ayemnya still cool show idea Permanent Coalition is still in the process of brass PDIP digestibility. Even if the idea was welcomed, will be through the mechanism of the deep and sharp analysis of the conception of a permanent coalition.
Thus, even if the concept is accepted will be no difference in substance to the conception of ideas Coalition Coalition Joint Permanent done permanent allocation for the entire faction, including gurem factions in the DPRD Lampung. Ascertained, PDIP will not just give up political or historical trail that has been passed along with the other factions that have helped and discuss the budget in 2006 (pro-Decree 14/2006).
If so, the idea that targets a permanent coalition of Golkar and PDIP originally just an idea quickly morphed to the Permanent Joint Coalition for all factions in the DPRD Lampung. Lampung people's thumbs-up if the Coalition would hereby created. Togetherness is more productive than if you just want to create a new force which exactly fall into the trap of conflict trap the new parliament.
Metamorphosis to the direction of the Joint Coalition aims to stabilize the political communication and enhance the dignity of members of the Council of conflict from 2005 to 2006. If this target market, all welcomed. This situation gave birth to a more intense communication and quality associated with legislative duties.
Actually most of these expectations constituent parties. Awakening of political communication produce a better performance in the legislative fight for people's welfare. Is not it also wants the two largest political parties in the province, Golkar and PDIP.
In my opinion, the substance of a permanent coalition of Golkar was not initiated to building the discourse outside the United Coalition Golkar and PDIP faction, but lead to a permanent Joint Coalition involving all factions in the DPRD Lampung in order to fill the space of political communication that is more intense conflict. It is intended to build understanding relating to the duties of Parliament within the framework of legislation, budgets, and supervision. If this is the primary object of Golkar, let us welcome with good intentions Coalition Permanent these ideas, and certainly with the coalition defines it as a permanent unity of the factions in the Council building community for the welfare of the people of Lampung.
Discourse coalitions are not new in the politics of Indonesia, in 1999, had formed the Central Axis, the coalition of political parties led by the PAN and the PPP. The coalition is increasing phenomenally successful as the first President Abdurahman Wahid's era of reform. But age and kesolidan kemassifan Central Axis was the only contemporary maize. Then, in 2004 formed the National Coalition to support presidential candidates (presidential) candidate for vice-president (vice), Megawati Sukarnoputri-Hasyim Muzadi and Populist Coalition to support the pair-vice presidential candidate Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jusuf Kalla. However, this coalition was the second in its development is not solid and tend to melt even the massif.
Qodari (Khoirudin, 2004:220) suggests the existence of four presidential and vice presidential candidate coalition of law. First, the candidate of the party with the acquisition of a chair (or the percentage of votes) will be greater than the vice presidential candidate and the candidate must be satisfied with the position of vice-presidential candidate. Second, each party and the candidates will attempt a coalition with other parties and candidates who have a significant acquisition in the legislative seats. That is the coalition trying to seek the strengthening of the foot in the Parliament. Reinforcement necessary to ensure political support for government policy-making. Third, parties and candidates will seek higher party individual popularity. Fourth, the Party and the candidate will be a coalition with other parties and candidates near flatformnya.Meski ideology and there is a need to create a couple who represent the spectrum of ideological or demographic.

The occurrence of coalitions made possible by many factors, among them because of the similarities between the party platforms will the coalition. Platform is included in matters of religion and economics. In terms of the economic platform, almost all major parties have the same platform: the populist rhetoric of economic stress, but in practice carry out the policies of market economy. Therefore, the economic platform has not become a factor in determining why the two parties or more to build a coalition, while the other party did not join the coalition.

In terms of religious platform, there are parties that emphasize the urgency of state involvement in enforcing Islamic law for public life, such as the UN, MCC, and PPP, and some are not, such as PDIP, Golkar, PKB, and PAN. For simplicity, the first group is the Islamic party, while the second group is a secular party. In the dichotomy of the Islamic Party and the secularist party, PKB and PAN are at a bit gray. Although there were Islamic platform, most elite and supporters of this party is historically associated with Islamic organizations. Therefore, roughly two are sometimes put into the category of Islamic parties.
If equality is so basic religious platform for the coalition, which is probably means that the coalition between the PPP, the United Nations, and MCC, or added PAN and PKB on the one hand, and on the other side of the PDI-P and Golkar Party. In post-Suharto Indonesian politics, the coalition's first-known by the name of the Central Axis and successful-ever happened in the presidential election in the Assembly in 1999. Abdurrahman Wahid that time as nominees of the Central Axis win defeating Megawati. If true, the coalition is based on religious sentiments, why the coalition did not occur between Golkar and PDIP, which are equally threatened by secular and Islamic forces?

Ordinary people who saw Indonesian politics from the eyes of Islam versus the nationalist-secular usually do redefinition of Golkar when confronted with the issue: is the post-Suharto Golkar Golkar dominated the children students, especially those set in the HMI. In many ways, Golkar and PAN do not differ much. Therefore, Golkar representatives in the Assembly in 1999 tended to support the presidential candidate of the Central Axis when faced with a choice between secular-nationalist Megawati and Gus Dur backgrounds students. If indeed the factors that most determine the Islamic sentiment in this coalition, the possibility of a similar pattern, namely the Central Axis plus Golkar, will be repeated, because the religious sentiment of elite parties were now more or less the same. But other possibilities should also be considered.

According to the popular Encyclopedia of political development to the fourth edition of the Pancasila (1988:50) outlines that, the coalition comes from the Latin co-alescare, that grew into pengabung tool. And the coalition is "a bond or a combination of two or more countries to achieve certain goals. Or several parties / factions in parliament to reach a majority that can support the government. " That definition shows that the coalition was formed / formed to achieve certain goals.

Other opinions say Yudha Hariwardana in his article "Questioning the Coalition Permanent Urgency" 9 December 2006: 8:11 pm who said that: "Coalitions are alliances, joint or several elements of the alliance, which in collaboration , each having its own interests. Such alliances may be temporary or berasas benefits. " This shows that the formation of a coalition of interests inherent muthlak also benefit, a coalition is not formed but rather simply because of the decisive factors that support. Suppose that party A party coalition with B, it happens because party A can accommodate the interests of party B and vice versa. In other words there was a symbiotic mutualism (mutually benefit from each other) in this case the interests of each party coalition together. In addition to interest and other terms of the achievement of certain objectives of the coalition could also be due to gain significant votes in order to win the race.

Essence of a coalition is the merging of several people or groups who have an interest. Because in the political world that speaks is of interest, is endorsed by the Syamsudin Harris (2004:43) which states that "theoretically, the problem is only relevant coalitions in the context of parliamentary system of government. The creation of the coalition actually allocated only in mobilizing support in the form of government by election-winning party, and needed to build and strengthen opposition to the parties that have seats in parliament but does not also reign ".

Coalition is a combination of two or more forces to mobilize larger forces. Coalition objectives that affect the political process: the creation of legislation and power struggles. Usually, the coalition was born to deal with great power. There's no dictionary, where coalition forces crushing small. Can also, the coalition faced political uncertainty, where risks are defeated and eliminated much larger than the chance of winning.

Very familiar in a practical coalition of political parties. They are allied marked ideological differences, cultural or group attributes into a single row after tied the issues together on the common perception of the problem, or the alignment of interests. Coalition also be born because of the common enemy. In fact, often the scapegoat becomes the basic needs which are deliberately created as a reason for unity. But, the coalition could also be built on the basis of purely political purposes, namely to gain a strategic public office and then handed him among coalition participants.

History coalition in Indonesia
Political party life in Indonesia is known since the presidential edict dated October 16, 1945 Number of X, and in the many political parties in the forms by the people based on such intimation. Proclamation of the previous government when formed, the composition of his cabinet have not and are not occupied by people from political parties, although it has been out of government edict RI on November 3 in 1945 which advocated establishing a political party in order to strengthen its fight for independence. At that point in his cabinet and called a presidential cabinet led by a president. In the age of kebinet journey did not last long only three months, from date of August 19, 1945 until 14 November 1945. This happens because of the presidential edict No. X, also the influence of Syahrir National figures are very vocal at the time who demanded the establishment of a parliamentary cabinet.

This is the first occurrence of violations against the Constitution in 1945. From that point to the two cabinets and so is held by political parties and responsible to parliament, and parties that lead the ministries in both parliamentary and presidential cabinet was made up of parties who do koaliasi (coalition) such Parkindo & Masyumi berkoaliasi cabinet during Syahrir I. The party who did not join a coalition is the party that chose the path as the opposition, which said line with Miftah Toha, 2003:119 that:
Cabinet, composed at that time was already done by a coalition between political parties. The rest among the political parties who do not choose the path of the opposition coalition, the coalition and the opposition at the start of the first parliamentary cabinet Syahrir onward and return to the presidential cabinet and so forth Moh.Hatta

Similar in Revealed by Rusadu Kartaprawira, that:
Once completed in 1955 elections, political parties have felt the legality and obtain a formal power. Since then, in Indonesian politics, prtailah who holds political power, although in reality his political leadership on the basis of cooperation, alliances, coalitions between two or more power.
(Rusadi Kartaprawira, 2004: 87)

Therefore, the development of the country is vulnerable situation by rebellion Poewantana menambahkah that "in the year 1945 junior fashion liquidate President Sukarno advocated smaller parties not being able to create a consensus on forming a coalition cabinet." (Poerwantana, 1994:61). From the explanation above is clear that the term coalition between political parties is not a "new thing" in world politics in Indonesia. Coalition does not appear the first time when ELECTIONS presidential / vice presidential candidate in 2004, but from the year 1945. Furthermore, on ELECTION 2004 when the holding of direct presidential elections for the first time in Indonesia, raised again the discourse coalition, political parties, which brought the couple-vice presidential candidates are party coalition poltitik mutually independent of coalition tetrsebut diakannya goal, whether to win the General Election, dealing with great powers or just the interest.

Apart from the various regulations concerning coalitions important point to this problem is the extent to which the leaders of the nation truly accountable and aligned to the aspirations and interests of the people, and it probably still is a big question. Similarly, the quality of democracy and governance may still need time to evaluate and judge. Does such a coalition is a permanent or still just a candidate to win only (a coalition of pragmatic). Nevertheless, various trends of processes and results-vice presidential election, remains an interesting study materials. The tendency of the nomination process and inter-party coalition in filing a candidate or candidates is one of the most interesting phenomena that appeal lies not just in a different trend from what happened but also on the "pattern" coalition between parties that tend to differ with the results of legislative elections. Parties which are ideologically often viewed very differently from each other in a coalition could even ask the couple to each other candidate in the presidential-vice presidential candidate selection.

2.3 Political Parties
Indonesia's political system has put the political party as the main pillar of support democracy. This means that there is no democracy without political parties. Because once the important role of political parties, then it should if necessary a legislation on political parties. Legislation is expected to ensure the growth of political parties good, healthy, effective and functional.
With a healthy state of political parties and functional, it is possible to carry out the process of recruitment leader or cadre, political education and a healthy social control. With the same political party, conflict and consensus can be achieved in order to mature society. Conflicts are created not necessarily a reason to divide the party, but the conflict arising parties find consensus to create a healthy and functional.
The importance of the existence of political parties in cultivating democracy must be reflected in legislation. As it is known only political party entitled to nominate candidates in the general election. The meaning of this all is, that the political process in the General Election (Election), not to emasculate or even eliminate the role and existence of political parties. Even if this time the public has a negative assessment of the political party that does not mean necessarily eliminate the existence of the party in the constitutional system. Everything that happens now is just part of the democratic process.
Political parties which foster a healthy and functional is not an easy matter. Needed a strong foundation for creating a political party that really serves as a means of articulation of the community. For Indonesia, the growth of political parties have experienced ups and downs. Life of a new political party can be traced back starting in 1908. In the early stages, the organization that grew at that time as Budi Oetomo can not be said as the political party in a modern sense. Budi Utomo was not destined to win the seat in the state (public office) in the competition through the General Election. Also not in the sense that organizations trying to control the political process. Budi Oetomo in those years was nothing more than a cultural movement, to raise awareness of the people of Java.
Very probably the party in the modern sense as a mass organization that seeks to influence the political process, reform the policy and educate leaders and to pursue additional members, new born since the SI was founded in 1912. Since then, the party considered to be a vehicle that could be used to achieve nationalist goals. After several months, was born a party that was founded to demand freedom Dekker of the Netherlands East Indies. These two parties can be regarded as the forerunner of all political parties in a real sense that later developed in Indonesia.
During this national movement, almost all the parties should not be associated with the government and the masses below (grass roots). So all the above, namely the peak positions in the colonial administration, inaccessible, down not up. But political parties to mediate, the formulator of ideas. Political parties function only range on the function of political socialization and political communication functions.
During the Japanese occupation of all political parties were disbanded. However, during the Japanese occupation also brought important changes. At the time Japan was established organizations, mass organizations are far touched the roots in the community. Japan pioneered the establishment of a mass organization called the Center for the People's Power (sons). But ultimately the fate of this organization also dissolved by the Japanese because deemed to have engaged in activities aimed at influencing the political process. Practical until independence was proclaimed, the people of Indonesia do not recognize political parties.
Development of Political Parties, when the government again showed geliatnya advocated the need in the form of a political party. Discourse that developed at that time was the need for a single party. Single party is required to avoid a split between groups, because the public mood at that time Indonesia was still covered with revolutionary zeal. But the intention to form a single party called the Indonesian National Party plans to fail, because it is able to compete with the Central Indonesian National Committee and is considered able to stimulate the division and not foster unity. After the cancellation of a single party forming the intention, at the urging and the decision of the Working Committee of the Central Indonesian National Committee, the government issued a declaration that it needs to form political party in order to welcome as many members of the Electoral Bodies Representatives.
In such circumstances the political party that's grown and developed during the physical revolution and culminated in 1955 when the first election was held which was attended by 36 political parties, despite getting only 27 seats in the parliamentary party. Turbulence-turbulence in the Parliament and the Constituent Assembly election results have been cornering the position of Political Parties. Almost all the characters, the group questioned the existence of political parties. Turmoil and upheavals in these constituent assembly which in turn forced the Bung Karno dissolve political parties, in 1960, and the only major party can stay 10 which in turn must get approval from the Bung Karno as a sign away from the competition.
Entering the New Order period, precisely after the General Election in 1971 the government again tried to simplify the Political Parties. Like previous governments, many political parties are considered not guarantee the political stability and is considered to interfere with the development program. This new government efforts realized in the year 1973, the party is allowed to grow only amounted to three of the United Development Party (PPP), Golkar and the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI).
It seems to me that political parties in Indonesia may be regarded as a party that was formed on the initiative of the state. Formation of the party rather than on the basis of the interests of each member but because the interests of the state. With conditions like this party, it's hard to expect the party to probe the articulation of people's interests. Only after the reform, the growth of political parties based on common interests of each member. Perhaps the Reform Era that gave birth to a multi-party system as a starting point based on the interests of party growth and the same political orientation among its members.
Such conditions should be maintained, because the political party is a tool of democracy to deliver the people express their interest articulation. There is no true democracy without political parties. Despite the existence of political parties currently considered to be less good, does not mean that in our constitutional system eliminates the role and existence of political parties. Political parties like the current situation is simply part of the democratic process.
In conditions like this party, Election 2004 was held by leaning to the Law No. 31 Year 2002 on Political Parties. In a way, this law is considered not yet able to deliver the party system and representative democracy is effective and functional. This law also has not been able to bring about a stable political party and accountable. Citizens are also still not believe in the existence of political parties, whereas the function of political parties is one of the people's interests as a means of articulation. To create an effective political party and the functional need for a full confidence of the people. Without the support and trust of the people, political parties will continue to be considered as bearers of political instability resulting in less a blessing for people's lives.
To create a political system that allows people to put belief, we need a legislation that can become the foundation for the growth of political parties are effective and functional. In other words, the necessary changes to legislation governing the Indonesian political system namely Law no. 31 Year 2002 on Political Parties, Law No. 12 of 2003 on the Election of Members of DPR, DPD, and DPRD, Law No. 23 years in 2003 on the General Election of President and Vice President, and Act No. 22 Year 2003 concerning the composition and position of the MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD.
Political parties are one important component in the dynamics of the politics of a nation. Political party is seen as one way a person or group of individuals to gain power, such an argument we hear this is common in various mass media or seminars that we follow in particular that discusses the political parties.
On that occasion there was no author will discuss about a political party but that will be discussed in this paper is not a strategy of political parties to gain power, but rather an introduction to get to know more closely what and how the political parties.









1. Srijanto Djarot, Drs., Waspodo Eling, BA, Mulyadi Drs. Surakarta, PT. Pabelan.
2. Alhaj Prince Sts Drs., Surya Parthians Usman, Drs., 1995. Material Approach Pancasila. Jakarta; the Open University Department of Education.
3. Dr.

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