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verificated paypal with bank local

Written By Isebel on Kamis, Juli 15, 2010 | 12.20

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=== I'm glad yesterday's news of Mas Octa Rendra 'via email:
For those of you that first, if you do not already have a paypal verified,
PayPal now started to provide ease in handling Verify your account.

If the first time is easy because Commerce could use a debit card, but then after a collaboration with CIMB, Commerce Card can no longer be used. After that, the dark days of PayPal again present in our midst.

But now all back bright!

PayPal accept verification method entirely new, namely through a local bank account. So, as long as you have an account at the Bank, you can have a verified PayPal. Steady is not it? No longer need outside money to buy VCC or dizziness ngurus Credit Card annual fee.

Okay, how?

Insha Allah will make my own guide in ebook form. But while waiting, you can try. Kok easy way:

1. Registration PayPal as usual
2. Click Profile - Add Banks
3. Enter the name of the bank and your account number.
4. Enter the Bank Code also. You can look at my friend's blog
5. After submit, you will need to wait 1-3 days (my experience yesterday 2 days)
6. Check your account. There should be two posts in a row from PayPal. The value of each two-digit examples: Rp. 14 and Rp.13
7. Now, login to PayPal
8. If this is the first time, you will be questioned by security answer as if to make an email at Yahoo
9. Click the link next to Get Verified Unverified
10. Click the Confirm Bank Account link.
11. Enter the two values that are sent PayPal. There are two forms, enter the appropriate value that is sent PayPal. Examples 14 and 13
12. If wrong, maybe the opposite, so turning it
13. PayPal now you've verified with good

Well, after this verification, you are able to utilize all the facilities of PayPal with a good start to send money, receive money, withdrawl, etc.. But if your balance is empty, then you should fill it because PayPal can not take myself from your account. This is at once answered concerns some parties who fear that PayPal will take the money in our accounts, which are much less likely, because as we know Paypal has eksist more than 11 years and one company with ebay, the internet's largest auction site.

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LiFe KaMi mengatakan...

nice info....

GreenLava mengatakan...

Cool info, very useful.

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