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The Truth About Google’s Adsense Affiliate Program

Written By Isebel on Kamis, Juli 15, 2010 | 13.04

Congratulations and welcome to allsolutionsnetwork Making system on the internet. BAR NONE! Follow our simple instructions and you will earn your first $100 to $500 in the next hour AND $500 to $5,000 or more per month, every month... Unlike some companies that basically say, give us $50 and then hit a button and you get rich, we don’t say that.

=== , you’re truly missing out on a great
opportunity. I’ve tried several other affiliate programs, and the only one that is
creating revenue even close to Google’s, is the affiliate program.’s affiliate program pays 5% commission and up for shipped
products. It’s not really clear how Google pays you, but let me tell you it seems
very fair. They do not pay per clicks, leads, or click throughs; they have a secret
formula that no one will tell. But trust me it works. I was making pennies off of
clicks monthly, until I joined Google. Then the pennies became dollars.
Here are some basic tips for signing up with Google’s Adsense program.
Tip # 1 If you search multiple websites in different categories you’ll find one
thing in common. Almost all of them have Google ads and nothing else. This is
because most other programs are a waste of time. Don’t take my word for it.
Try other programs, but don’t skip Google’s Adsense.
Tip # 2 Google’s search spiders are so specific, that the ads that appear on each
page correspond exactly to some element of that page. Therefore, having ads
from other companies is not a good idea.

TIP # 3 You can place text, image, banner ads and even a search box that will
earn your company revenue. Do not place a search box from another company
on the same page as Google’s search box. They may stop working with you.
In summary, the Adsense program is a great way to make revenue, has
incredibly targeted ads and don’t use other search boxes on the same page as a
Google search box. If you have any questions about Google’s Adsense program

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